Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Thursday Thirteen: Captchas Gone Wild

Thirteen Captchas Gone Wild

(Word Verification Challenge)

Get all 13 and win a prize!

Congratulations to Luin from Faerytale Dreams for winning the Captcha Contest!

We have all been there. We want to leave a comment but can't get past the stupid captcha! A captcha is basically a word verification to help prevent spam, a necessary evil. Anyway here are some captchas that stumped me. Can you guess them all?

1. What!?!

2. You are joking?


4. If you say so...

5. Not if my life depended on it!


7. Sure, ok, ya, just give me a minute!

8. Almost got it!

9. Easy!

10. Good Luck!

11. A Freebie B)

12. uhh o toughy

13. ahh tricky, and a gimme

I know this is early, because I hate to be late.

Have a Great Thursday! Who Loves Ya?!?!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Every Thursday, I will use Mr. Linky . So, if you participate in Thursday Thirteen, go ahead and add yourself to Mr. Linky and I will visit you all when I get home and please leave me comments. I love, love, love them! And if you use the auto link on your site, please donate to Uisce. He is a great guy who puts a lot of work into this and is still developing it and maybe some other cool things.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well!

Tags: Thursday Thirteen "Thursday Thirteen" ThursdayThirteen 13 tt


At Wed May 03, 10:16:00 PM PDT, Blogger YellowRose said...

I hate those things! I can never get it right!!! Though I know they are necessary, it is annoy!

Happy Thursday!

(I can actually read this one below! Woo Hoo!)

At Wed May 03, 11:09:00 PM PDT, Blogger Undercover Angel said...

LOL! That was just about the best TT I've seen ever! The funniest part - I actually tried to do the first one on the list... Am I ever an airhead...

My TT is up.

At Wed May 03, 11:49:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh those things are an absolute annoyance to do, especially those that are really, really hard to read. Oh, well . .. they do filter out the spam.

At Thu May 04, 12:07:00 AM PDT, Blogger MaR said...

Great TT! Hate those things, keep thinking I need new glasses but then I hear everybody complaining about these codes!

At Thu May 04, 01:35:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wow, some of those are impossible to read. I wonder why they do that. But, they are worth it at least.. it stops the spam.

At Thu May 04, 01:40:00 AM PDT, Blogger Tina@ SendChocolateNow said...

Those are hilarious. Of course, you have the captcha as well!

My 13 is up!

At Thu May 04, 02:00:00 AM PDT, Blogger Angie said...

That is so true! Great idea for a list!

At Thu May 04, 03:31:00 AM PDT, Blogger Chaotic Mom said...

I do NOT need any more frustration this morning, won't even try to win your contest. Great point you've made. COOL, funny list. ;)

At Thu May 04, 04:24:00 AM PDT, Blogger Blueyes said...

Arrgh, flashbacks...Those things are a pain in the butt lol

At Thu May 04, 04:32:00 AM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

What a hoot!! Ya know?---I've caught myself trying to rearrange the letters to make words from them!! roflmao

My T T is published. Your 13 was very enjoyable....
and now for the test. Let's just see what I get with your word verification!! Aha! An easy one.

At Thu May 04, 04:45:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, this soooooooooo ROCKS. I hate those word verification things and even post it 13 reasons I hate them once, lol. This is GOOD! Happy TT! :-)

I hate spam too, so for all ya'll that put us through these things PLEASE get spam karma and you will have no more spam and I will not have to endure these things, tee hee hee. :-)

At Thu May 04, 04:53:00 AM PDT, Blogger Carmen said...

looks like the first one is smarmy. That's funny. I often have to enter them 2 or 3 times. hate them, but no spam.

At Thu May 04, 05:07:00 AM PDT, Blogger Jane said...

Those were AWFUL!!!!! It is so annoying when I have to redo it THREE times to get one right!!!
My thirteen are up. Have a great day.

At Thu May 04, 05:28:00 AM PDT, Blogger Lazy Daisy said...

Wow, I totally loved your list. I could probably add a few more that have stumped me too. My TT is up.

At Thu May 04, 05:28:00 AM PDT, Blogger Norma said...

I never knew what those were called, but I can't even count the number of times, I've been blocked. Sometimes I just type in anything so a new one will come up. In fact, I got blocked on this one.

This was a great and humorous list. Thanks for stopping by my MM.

At Thu May 04, 05:40:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate those things!! They are hard on the eyes!

At Thu May 04, 06:08:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no kidding- they are impossible-
I was going to respond with "please don't take my heart away' but decided it might sound like a come on or something...

At Thu May 04, 06:10:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate those things! This was a good idea for T13!

At Thu May 04, 07:41:00 AM PDT, Blogger Megan said...

Do they really have to make them that hard to read? I sometimes have to do them over three or four times when I'd swear to God that I got it right the first time.

F'in spammers!

At Thu May 04, 07:59:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious!!! I HATE those things, though they saved my butt from spam when I had a blogger account. I always get the long ones.

At Thu May 04, 08:08:00 AM PDT, Blogger Chana said...

It's like abstract art! I love the pigrape one! Sick, but funny!

At Thu May 04, 08:36:00 AM PDT, Blogger Emily said...

I think I need to go lay down now...


At Thu May 04, 08:42:00 AM PDT, Blogger twiga92 said...

LOL! Yeah, those are pretty tricky!

At Thu May 04, 09:11:00 AM PDT, Blogger Angie said...

Oh my gosh, this is the funniest TT ever! :) Most of those are just horrible! Great idea for a TT!

My TT is up.

At Thu May 04, 09:44:00 AM PDT, Blogger Sherri said...

Clever idea for a 13...I find those frustrating sometimes too!

Thanks for visiting my site:)

At Thu May 04, 10:01:00 AM PDT, Blogger -tnchick- said...

I can't stand captchas! What is even worse and when people have captchas and comment moderation on!

At Thu May 04, 10:10:00 AM PDT, Blogger Joan said...

Oh my goodness! some of those were unreadable! Interesting idea -- must have taken quite some time to put this post together!

Thanks for coming by my list.

At Thu May 04, 10:50:00 AM PDT, Blogger Lisa said...

I agree - some are so hard! I don't know how many times I get the error page and have to do it all over again. A necessary evil.

At Thu May 04, 10:54:00 AM PDT, Blogger me said...

These things drive me nuts. I know that they are needed for the spam and all that but why do they have to be so difficult to read? LOL!

Happy Thursday!
Ivoryfrog x

At Thu May 04, 11:08:00 AM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

(snicker) That is a great list! You know, blogger has a "handicapped" feature on their word ver. now - looks like somebody may need to use it!!!

At Thu May 04, 11:37:00 AM PDT, Blogger momsmusings said...

This was great! I hate it when I get it wrong, makes me feel kinda dumb!! Very funny TT and the one about the pig...that is just wrong!! Thanks for stopping by mine.

At Thu May 04, 12:14:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a really good list. I hate those things too! I always feel sorry for anyone that might be dyslexic, I mean if it's hard enough for most of us to see the letters and numbers properly and manage to get them right, then how much more difficult must it be for someone with a reading problem?

What I really hate is when you do get it right but it keeps on telling you that you didn't.

At Thu May 04, 12:23:00 PM PDT, Blogger Natsthename said...

Thanks for the visit to my T13. LOL. That was GREAT! I am often befuddled by what is in those boxes and sometimes I have to enter the guess more than once. SOOOO freakin' frustrating!

At Thu May 04, 12:28:00 PM PDT, Blogger Unknown said...

Cool TT! I hate trying to type those litte codes in.

PS: wnerbds LOL

At Thu May 04, 01:00:00 PM PDT, Blogger amy karp | PHOTOGRAPHY said...

great one - I heard we had a similar T13 up today, I had to stop by....

your list seems to have more thought behind it, but I didn't know where else to go to find more word verifications....

stop by and see my similar list :)

as I look down and she has it! :) and I get it WRONG!!!!!!

At Thu May 04, 01:26:00 PM PDT, Blogger craziequeen said...

ugh - trying to read those gives me a headache...

and being part typist, I hate WV too....but it's a necessary evil..

My TT is up :-)



At Thu May 04, 01:57:00 PM PDT, Blogger elle said...


At Thu May 04, 05:39:00 PM PDT, Blogger Wendy Boucher said...

Great TT! Such a great idea. What necessary evils.

At Thu May 04, 06:12:00 PM PDT, Blogger Jennifer said...

hahaha! that's a cool T13! i love it and i DO hate those @#$$%&^@#$ things!

thanks for coming to my T13 today and I am already a mr linky follower! silver for life and gold for a year!!!!!

At Thu May 04, 06:45:00 PM PDT, Blogger Natalie said...

Those things drive me nuts too.. but I have one on my blog to keep out the spam bots. :(

At Thu May 04, 07:35:00 PM PDT, Blogger guppyman said...

Ok... I'm now convinced I am not challenging my readers quite enough with Blogger's simple ones.....

At Fri May 05, 05:23:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. smarmy

2. pigrape

3. 1ZhGuf


5. there are no letters there

6. beltsd

7. fruigtiom

8. dmg418u

9. plonfijby

10. ekirtc

11. Kcn32T

12. foi2irge

13. fcbsh

I think???

At Fri May 05, 05:32:00 AM PDT, Blogger Red Queen said...

Seems I always get the 8 letter version-grr. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I am slow in commenting but yesterday I found myself on Mr Toads Wild Ride.

At Fri May 05, 10:49:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got a CAPTCHA for your comments too!!!

but you really taught me something, i knew what those word verification were for, but i never knew what they were called til now. in MSN/hotmail, those are called HIP challenges, i think. :)

thanks for stopping by My TT :)

At Fri May 05, 08:07:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! There was a prize? Kick ass!

My username is Luin on BE. Sweet! Thank you very much!


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